Advancing together
Technologies - Made in Germany
Made in Germany
Sulphuric Acid
World leader in the technology for production of Sulphuric Acid, HUGO PETRESEN's plants use raw materials such as elemental sulphur, metallurgical sulphides and used acids.
Gas Cleaning
With a range of in-house innovative processes, HUGO PETERSEN has been offering individual components as well as turnkey gas purification plants of various sizes and capacities for decades.
Other Technologies
In addition to Sulphuric Acid and Gas Purification, HUGO PETERSEN also offers from its' stable extensive expertise in numerous other special processes and technologies for various applications.
Technologies - Made in Germany
Trend-setters since 1906, HUGO PETERSEN has been building Sulphuric Acid plants, meeting the highest standards & requirements. Thanks to its knowledge of metallurgical and chemical processes, new standards in the production of Sulphuric Acid were developed, with our Tower Plant process effectively replacing the outdated Lead Chamber process. It continues till date to introduce techniques and technologies at the BAT level.
HUGO PETERSEN offers tailor-made solutions for its customers and proudly claim to have by far the maximum number of in-house developed Sulphuric Acid production technologies in the world, a feat we are very proud of.

Sulphuric acid plants from HUGO PETERSEN
- Metallurgical sources
- Elemental sources
- Split acid
- Dry catalysis
- Wet catalysis
- Petersen Tower Technology
- SUPEROX-Technology
- SUPERCO-Technology
- Sulphuric acid of any kind
- Oleum of any quality
- SO3 and SO2 as gas or liquid
- Ammonium sulphate